You can buy Emre Dorman's books from the links below and download them for free. BUY: https://www.idefix.com/yazar/emre-dor... FREE DOWNLOAD: https://istanbulyayinevi.net/pdf-kita... Emre Dorman's Books: 1) People Are Asleep They Wake Up When They Die 2) 40 Ways to Deceive Yourself on Religious Issues 3) The Relationship between Religion and Science from a Theological and Philosophical Perspective 4) The Relationship between Religion and Morality from a Theological and Philosophical Perspective 5) Basic Commandments and Prohibitions in the Holy Quran 6) What Importance Do You Have If You Don't Pray 7) People Are Sleeping, They Wake Up When They Die 8) Modern Science: God Exists 9) The Self-Claiming Self 10) The Religion Taught to Allah 11) What Islam Is Not 12) The Quran in 101 Questions 13) The Mercy of Allah http://www.emredorman.com/ / emredorman / emredorman / emredorman