⚡️???? Master the modern and profitable profession of presentation designer at the Bonnie&Slide Academy with a 50% discount using the promo code Jane - https://clck.ru/3Dfjyu Hearty, powerful, juicy - with sausage from Papa Maybe! More here: https://vk.cc/cC8zaH?erid=2SDnjebGkiN 0:00 NOTES 5:30 Bonnie&Slide 7:22 The Hollywood Abyss 10:19 Were there KIDS at P-Diddy's parties? 11:23 THEY WERE SILENT ABOUT R.Kelly 16:31 HOLLYWOOD'S DARKEST SECRET 19:19 "JAY Z - YOU'RE NEXT" 23:29 What does SHE REALLY KNOW? 24:25 MYSTERIOUS DEATHS OF SINGERS 31:48 HE EXPOSED THEM 33:09 ESCAPE FROM THE HOSPITAL MY TG CHANNELS: lil jane: https://t.me/thecreepyclown Darkland dark stories: https://t.me/darklandpark Best news about Celebrities: https://t.me/thehouseofcelebs MY TRACK jane - "Creepy Clown" IS ALREADY ONLINE: https://band.link/AdnpK Story 1: Mysterious notes started appearing all over Brad's apartment Story 2: P. Diddy's white parties, why are Beyoncé and Jay Z canceling everything, is everything really that bad? DOES SHE KNOW? Story 3: The Hospital and Sandile Sibiya Check out these videos, they're awesome: THE INTERNET RABBIT HOLE: • THE INTERNET RABBIT HOLE MORE ABOUT DARK HOLLYWOOD: • THEY DIDN'T KNOW HOW TOXIC IT WAS: Shokol... Collaboration: [email protected] ????