MyNews sets sail for Antarctica. On the way, the Navy ship faces the Drake Passage, the most feared sea in the world. The waves easily reach 6 meters and the wind is among the strongest in the world. What is it like to make this crossing? What hardships does the crew face on board? The reward arrives after three days of crossing: Antarctica. Follow another stage of the MyNews Expedition in Antarctica. _______________ Do you know the Google News page of the MyNews Channel? Google News displays our main news from both the channel and our website and can be accessed at this link: https://news.google.com/publications/... ________________ Want to know how to apply sports techniques to your investments? Download the Financial Athletes e-book. It's free: https://bit.ly/3rW3uGn Also access other MyNews e-books! Digital Security. : https://bit.ly/3fexE2I Finance is Wonderful: https://bit.ly/2RadGgG Inequalities: https://bit.ly/2Qf3XEQ Access more content on the website https://canalmynews.com.br and subscribe to our newsletter to receive news by email: https://bit.ly/3vpTkhJ ________________ This message is for members only. To access exclusive content on YouTube, first click on Playlist and then on Members. If you want to see how to access the exclusive area on the MyNews website, click here: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgxrkXWE... If you use IOS, become a member of the MyNews channel by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUM4... Receive exclusive content: Extras from Segunda Chamada, Quarta Chamada and Quinta Chamada Ciência; Exclusive chat and interviews; You Columnist Space; Promotions; MyNews Book Club: https://bit.ly/3sHBeH6 Also, have your comments highlighted in the live chat and videos. ________________ Sales: [email protected] Story suggestions: [email protected] Members: [email protected] #Antarctica #Navy #Expedition