In this first philosophical meeting, Guille Fernández conducts the most intimate and personal interview with Borja Vilaseca, covering his entire spiritual and professional career, including his recent breakup. _____ More information about Guille Fernández ➤ https://beacons.ai/guillefernandezgarcia LinkedIn ➤ / guillefernandezgarcia Instagram ➤ / guillefernandezgarcia _____ INDEX: 00:00:00 Intro 00:02:11 How are you? How are you feeling? 00:08:28 Have you found the moment when you needed help? 00:11:43 What meditative or spiritual activities are you currently doing? 00:16:45 What things have you identified that you know are there but that you have not yet managed? 00:22:00 So tell us a little about the relevance of that experience in your life? 00:37:12 Where would you be on the hero's journey? 00:42:53 What is behind this decision to leave the enneagram behind? 00:46:33 What can you tell us about the Advaita philosophy? _____ More information: -About me: https://borjavilaseca.com/sobre-mi/ -About my projects: https://borjavilaseca.com/proyectos/ -About my books: https://borjavilaseca.com/libros/ -About my courses: https://borjavilaseca.com/cursos/ -About my upcoming events: https://borjavilaseca.com/agenda/ _____ Follow me on my other networks: Facebook ➤ https://bit.ly/2I6Nq25 Instagram ➤ https://bit.ly/32fVFQg Twitter ➤ https://bit.ly/38cc6AL LinkedIn ➤ https://bit.ly/36aJ7uu Tik Tok ➤ https://bit.ly/3Qjc9iu Twitch ➤ https://bit.ly/3X7GimQ