#dhikrpembukapinturezeki #dzikirpelancarrezeki #dhikrpagi Attention!! Regarding the TITLE & THUMBNAIL above, it is only to always motivate friends to read the Al-Quran and Sholawat and does not lead us to something that deviates from the existing Islamic rules or is even polytheistic. We will always present the recitation of the holy verses of the Al-Quran and the practice of Dhikr so that we all get rewards and are given smooth business, cheap sustenance and true peace of mind, keep steadfast & work hard and pray earnestly to ALLAH SWT. STRONG APPEAL !! WE DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO RE-UPLOAD ALL THE CONTENTS OF THIS VIDEO, BOTH AUDIO & ALSO OTHERWISE WITHOUT ASKING FOR PERMISSION FROM US AS ABSOLUTE OWNER. NB.ZAKAT PRAYER #prayerforriches #prayer #prayerforgetrichquick #prayerofeffective #eveningprayer #prayerofeffective #prayerofsuccess #prayerofdebtpayoff #morningprayer #prayerofsuccess #prayerofattractingsustenancefromeverywhere #eveningprayer #dhikr #morningdhikr #dhikropeningthedoorofsustenance #morningdhikr #eveningdhikr #dhikrofsmoothsustenance #dhikrofsoundsunnah #dhikrofsoundsunnah #dhikraccordingtosunnah #dhikrofsoundsunnah #dhikrofdebtpayoff #dhikr #dhikropensthedoorofsustenance #dhikrforbusinessseller #dhikrattractsbuyers #melodioussunnahdhikr #prayers #prayersoftheprophet #melodiousprayers #prayersofjibril #prayers #prayers #latestprayers #viralprayers #sholawat for soothing the heart #sholawat for sleeping #sholawat for soothing the heart