Hello everyone. Find the timestamps below. Today you will learn about my story of entering an architectural university. I told you about all the difficulties and challenges that I managed to overcome and get into the budget of MARKHI. Perhaps my story will help you not to step on my rake and learn from my mistakes. 00:35 - Why architecture 01:17 - Admission to Lyceum 1535 02:22 - I went to evening courses in MARKHI on drawing 03:36 - What exams are there in MARKHI 03:55 - My unsuccessful lessons with my first tutor in drawing 05:44 - 11th grade 06:30 - My preparation system 07:30 - Start of preparation for the Unified State Exam 10:08 - How I passed the exams 10:42 - History of passing internal exams 15:30 - I got in What other topics would you like to know about? Write in the comments! my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marsh_otsud... VK group: https://vk.com/public212543580