Complications of extreme masturbation • Complications and dangers of extreme masturbation Time... Benefits of masturbation • Is masturbation good for the body? T... Financial support link https://zarinp.al/drsana ---------------------------------- ---- Today I am recording the first podcast of the channel for you and I hope you will listen and enjoy. Today I want to tell you about my addiction to zolpid sleeping pills and what happened when I started zolpid. What was the phase of this sleeping pill for me and what side effects did it have and what happened that made me think of quitting. Thank you for seeing me and please give your opinion. Do you have any experience in this regard? ______________________ Subscribe link: https://bit.ly/3lUklai INSTAGRAM: Instagram: Instagram.com/i.am.dr.Sana Discord: / discord _____________________ #زولّدم #قرص #خوب