MY EXPERIENCE DOING THE FCT INTERNSHIP IN AN IT COMPANY (MIDDLE AND HIGHER VOCATIONAL TRAINING) IN SPAIN My experience doing the internship in computer programming - My experience working as an IT specialist in the FCT internship company of Professional IT Training Spain 2022-2023 - My experience studying the Middle Degree of Microcomputer Systems and Networks - My experience studying the Higher Degree of Development of Multiplatform Applications in Network - My experience studying the Higher Degree of Administration of Computer Systems in Network Experience Vocational Training studying Intermediate and Higher Degree Computer Science in Spain 2022-2023 with the different modules and subjects and the job offers in the world of work that are almost always as a programmer with different programming languages such as Java, Python, C, C ++, Visual Basic, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and SQL, Ruby and many more - The reality of studying computer programming - Study programming in Spain 2022-2023 - How much money do you earn as a programmer in Spain 2022-2023 Twitter: / cgnnerpio Instagram: / cgnnerpio Amazon GalleShop: https://www.amazon.es/shop/galleyt #Computer Science #Work #Internships #Company #FP #ProfessionalTraining #Programming #Java #PHP #ASIR #DAW #DAM