Hi everyone! In today's video, I'm sharing with you my grades and number of correct answers on the Enem over the course of three years of studying until I was accepted into the Federal Medical School through Sisu. I studied non-stop from Sunday to Sunday for three years, one year of prep school and two years of studying on my own, and with my study routine, I managed to get accepted after 30 years in the UFJF medical school. I had finished high school 15 years ago, I already graduated, I have a master's degree and I was working, but I dropped everything to just study for the medical school. In total, I took 4 editions of the Enem: 2018 as a diagnostic, while I was still working; Enem 2019, Enem 2020 and Enem 2021, which was responsible for my approval. Did I increase the number of correct answers a lot? Was there a big improvement? Did the score increase a lot? How many correct answers are needed to get into the Federal Medical School? What grade do you need to get on the Enem to get into the medical school? I show everything in the video, I hope you like it :) #senemnotes #medicine #enem #evolution #numberofcorrect answers #med #ufjf #sisu #enem2022 #enemmedicine #studyroutine #studyroutine #senemtips #medicineafter30 #careertransition Insta: @antunesma