Lecture by Prof. Andrzej Grzywacz as part of the Science Café 1a in the Wawerski Cultural Center [November 14, 2024] Prof. Grzywacz, a valued mycologist, will share his knowledge about the diversity of fungi found in our forests, their importance for the ecosystem, and the principles of safe mushroom picking. The lecture will be an excellent opportunity for all nature lovers and mushroom pickers. We cordially invite you! Prof. Andrzej Grzywacz is an outstanding forester and authority in the field of phytopathology, mycology, and forest protection. He has made a huge contribution to the development of forest science and nature conservation, and his activities contributed to the creation of the Biebrza National Park and the Stołowe Mountains National Park. His achievements include 440 publications, including 18 books, as well as numerous works on the protection of trees and forest ecosystems. Prof. Grzywacz has held many important positions at the Faculty of Forestry of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and the Polish Forest Society, where he has been the president since 1997. He was the supervisor of 14 doctoral dissertations, the supervisor of hundreds of master's and engineering theses, as well as a member of the Committee of Forest Sciences and Nature Protection of the Polish Academy of Sciences. For his scientific and teaching activities, he was awarded, among others, the Golden Cross of Merit and the Order of Polonia Restituta. If you want to support Wszechnica in further content creation, organizing further #rozmowyWszechnicy, you can: 1. Become a Patron of Wszechnica FWW on the website https://patronite.pl/wszechnicafww Through the Patronite portal, you can support the creation of the #rozmowyWszechnicy series not only with a kind word, but also financially. As a Patron, you pay regular, monthly amounts to the Wszechnica account, and thanks to your support, we can continue to develop our activities. As a thank you, we have small prizes for you. 2. You can support us by shopping using the Fanimani.pl website - https://tiny.pl/wkwpk If you shop online, you can support us for free. From each of your purchases, an average of 2.5% of its value will go to Wszechnica, if you start using the FaniMani.pl service You pay nothing extra! 3. You can make a donation to us for statutory purposes by traditional transfer Donations for the Rural Development Foundation can be made to account number: 33 1600 1462 1808 7033 4000 0001 Rural Development Foundation Find us: /wszechnicafww / Wszechnicafww1 https://anchor.fm/wszechnicaorgpl---h... https://anchor.fm/wszechnica-fww-nauka https://wszechnica.org.pl/ #mushrooms #mushroom #mycology #mycologist #nature #forest #mushroom pickers #ecosystem #kawiarnianaukowa