Hello! Welcome to Manos Creativas. My name is Rossy Rivera and in today's class I am sharing with you how to make this mug decorated with a gift and a cute cold porcelain bear. I hope you like the class, a big and loving hug. Template: https://manoscreativashn.com/plantill... English Channel ► @RossyRivera *************SOCIALS******************* WEBSITE ► https://manoscreativashn.com INSTAGRAM ► / manoscreativashn FACEBOOK ► / manoscreativashn PINTEREST ► / manoscreativashn SUBSCRIBE ► https://youtube.com/@ManosCreativas?s... ******************************************* ▼ About Mrs. Rossy ▼ Mom at heart. Teacher by profession. Artist by choice. Mrs. Rossy Rivera is a visual artist, passionate about cold porcelain, with a history of working with it for over 16 years, completely self-taught and independently. Always looking for innovation and visual beauty, and adding a personal touch to all her projects, transmitting emotions, message and meaning. She loves creating, creative recycling, and combining different techniques such as cold porcelain, paper mache, faux finishes, painting and drawing. Today, Mrs. Rossy works independently and dedicates her free time to her YouTube classes, her Premium courses and enjoys continuing to create content for other people who love art. You can find other works by Mrs. Rossy on the social links mentioned above. #art #coldporcelain #diy