Find out how to promote the best psychomotor development of your baby: https://www.matteosilvaosteopata.com/... The quality of motor and postural development that each parent offers to their child during the first year of life will allow them to have optimal growth and excellent posture in the years to come. Where to start to ensure that your child reaches all the motor milestones of the first year of life, develops correct vertebral curves and has excellent posture? The answer is from the first month of life! Since your child's development is progressive and consequential... ...it is essential to start well immediately (from the first months of life) to continue at your best! Find out how to promote the best psychomotor development of your baby: https://www.matteosilvaosteopata.com/... Experience, understood as the set of all the correct stimulations and motor activities that you yourself propose to your child, will positively shape their abilities so that your child will soon learn to crawl and then walk. Likewise, the lack of motor activity and frequent postural errors unconsciously put into practice, will negatively shape your child's abilities, leading him to skip important developmental stages such as crawling, and forcing him to walk late and with evident difficulty. Discover how to promote the best psychomotor development of your child: https://www.matteosilvaosteopata.com/...