Study of the book Wasiatul Mustofa, with the theme of motivation for a Successful Life; How to deal with people who make our hearts tired, the Prophet's advice to Imam Ali bin Abi Thalib, a thousand good friends are few but one enemy is many, so focus on the good people around you, report people who don't like you to Allah. The study was delivered by KH Fakhruddin Al Bantani at the Darul Ma'wa mosque every Sunday after Maghrib Bi-weekly. ================================== Let's get books by Tuan Guru KH Fakhruddin Al Bantani. check our store at ✓ Tokopedia https://tokopedia.link/ikhtiarrezeki ✓Shopee https://shopee.co.id/sardi_mustaupa?s... direct purchase wa wa.me/+6282282228176 ========================