Manuela is looking for her son Karl, whom she has not seen since 1958. Manuela is 85 years old and her health is very poor. Manuela's son Karl was taken away from her by her in-laws shortly after he was born. Karl then grew up with his grandparents and was denied contact with his mother. Manuela's greatest wish is to know what has become of her son. Julia Leischik decides to first search and then speak to Manuela so as not to unnecessarily upset the ailing woman. #JuliaLeischik #Pleasegetintouch #SAT1 ►More Please get in touch: https://www.sat1.de/tv/julia-leischik... ►Please get in touch subscribe: / @julialeischik Emotional stories that only real life can write: Julia Leischik sets off on a journey again, looking for missing people and bringing long-lost people back together. Around 5,000 people disappear without a trace in Germany every year! Fortunately, many of them are found after just a few days. But in some cases even the police are at a loss. There seems to be no trace. In other cases, people have often been separated from their parents, children or siblings by fate for decades. For relatives, the worst thing after years of searching is not knowing whether the missing person is OK. Desperate family members always have only one wish: they want to finally hug their loved one again. Julia Leischik wants to help these people! Imprint: https://www.sat1.de/service/impressum/