Assalamu'alaikum PKS Friends In facing the pandemic outbreak that Allah has destined not to end, we need to prepare strong immunity and faith. Preparing immunity by implementing health protocols and good nutritional intake, strengthening faith by always remembering Allah. For that, PKSTV East Jakarta, invites PKS friends to simultaneously, together recite the morning almatsurat dhikr, knocking on the door of heaven, so that Allah will give us all health, strength and patience, in facing this test. Don't forget to invite family, friends and the community to do morning dhikr together Support the PKS East Jakarta DPD TV Channel by SUBSCRIBE, LIKE & SHARE .: pkstv jaktim is not monetized :. #almatsuratpagi #dzikirpagi #pksjakartatimur #pkstv #pkstvjaktim #jakartatimur