Actor and singer Mori Nana showed off an unexpected skill in the new web commercial for Lotte's "Yukimi Daifuku." It was the "stretching of mochi," a regular feature in the commercial. The filming staff couldn't help but exclaim, "That's tasty!" According to Mori, the trick is to "stretch the mochi with your lips, without biting it." In reference to the commercial, when asked about an episode that made her heart go perfectly round, Mori gave a strange answer: "A kids' festival in the sky." Recently, when she gets on an airplane, she often finds a child traveling alone sitting next to her and she has to entertain them. While she felt a sense of duty to help them, one day an unexpected turn of events was waiting for her. She said she was warmed by the sight of the strong kids. [TV Asahi News] https://news.tv-asahi.co.jp