Excerpts from Mooji’s book “Before I Am.” Mooji (born 1954) is a Jamaican spiritual teacher who lives in the United Kingdom and Portugal. In 1993, Mooji gave up his job as an art teacher and traveled to India where he attended satsangs with his guru Papaji. In 1999, Mooji also became a spiritual teacher, adopting students who have produced books, CDs and videos of his teachings. In his simple philosophy, Mooji points to who we are beyond the limitations of our personal conditioning. In Satsangs, Mooji answers questioners when they talk about fear, suffering, confusion, relationships, spiritual practices and how to live in peace. As the direct path to freedom, Moojibaba presents the method of self-inquiry, which is the essence of his teaching. Through a universal call, he inspires everyone to find deep peace, love and silence within themselves. Learn more - get to know the Mooji channel in Portuguese: • The Power of Clear Vision ~ Mooji in Self... “You don’t need a religion, you don’t need to believe, you don’t need a cultural background, and you don’t even need to practice physical disciplines. Just have a strong desire to know yourself, or to be free from suffering, and then you can recognize the truth that this ancient philosophy can point to.” Mooji. “In truth, the mind does not desire freedom. It is the last thing it desires, for that freedom would be its death.” Mooji. “There is a silence in you. It is always here, constant and unshakable. It is not doing anything. Be aware of this. It is simply here, but it has not arrived. You are not a person here. In the silence itself, you exist without history, name and form. Recognize this space here and now, which simply is. It underlies all activity, but it itself does not participate in any activity. Observe and confirm this now. And remain in its beautiful rest.” Mooji. Music: Natures Eye - A Flavour of India ( • Natures Eye - A Flavour of India No... ) Music Cave - Meditation Background Music ( • meditation, Free Background Music For... ) ======================================= ???? Corvo Seco is a study group about non-duality. ???? Help maintain our channel: PIX: [email protected] ???? Instagram: / corvoseco ???? Facebook: / corvoseco ???? Contact us: [email protected] #AdvaitaVedanta #AtmaVichara