#TeatruRadiofonic #MonaBrand #FamiliaHamilton #Hamilton #TeatruAudio #TeatruVechi #TeatruOnline #MariActoriRomani #Drama Australia, March 1942. The dry wind of this late summer has devastated this province. In the same way, the tribes of natives driven out by the white owners from their ancestral lands also wander from place to place. In fact, the entire globe is scorched by the war started by the fascist coalition. Along with its allies, Australia also participates in the fight against fascism. Cast: Aura Buzescu (People's Artist), Geo Barton (Artist Emeritus), Marieta Deculescu (Artist Emeritus), George Sion, Doina Serban, Liliana Ticau, Nelly Sterian (Artist Emeritus), Vali Voiculescu