Collection of iron cars - scale models of MAZ trucks - tractor with semi-trailer, van, dump truck, truck, fuel tanker scale 1/43 manufacturer SSM, Avtoistoria, Deagostini, Modimio. Made a little tuning, modification of trucks, applied traces of use. Video about model cars. SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL / toyhouse SECOND CHANNEL / toyhousetv INSTAGRAM / toyhouse_tv MY PARTNER http://join.air.io/toyhouse-air THANKS FOR WATCHING!!! #aboutcars #truckmodels #maz #carmodels #lotsofcars #scale43 #toyhousecars #scalemodels #cars #unpackingcars #carreview #TOYHOUSE #TOYHOUSE SEE ALSO: GORGEOUS BUS • Model of the LAZ 699P bus 1/43. Our a...