When solutions of different solutes that do not react with each other are mixed, there is no classical mathematical relationship. The original idea must be followed: to conserve the amount of solute or ion in solution. Want to know more about this subject? Brasil Escola Mixture of solutions with different solutes without chemical reaction - http://brasilescola.com/quimica/mistu... Mixture of solutions without chemical reactions - https://brasilescola.com/quimica/mist... Mundo Educação Mixture of solutions of the same solute - http://mundoeducacao.com/quimica/mist... Mixture of solutions with different solutes - http://mundoeducacao.com/quimica/mist... Prepara Enem Mixture of solutions with chemical reaction - http://www.preparaenem.com/quimica/mi... Mixture of solutions of the same solute -https://www.preparaenem.com/quimica/m... Chemistry Manual Mixture of solutions with different solutes in which there is a chemical reaction - https://www.manualdaquimica.com/fisic... Concept and properties of chemical solutions - https://www.manualdaquimica.com/fisic... Follow us: Brasil Escola: http://www.brasilescola.com/ Twitter: / brasilescola Facebook: / Instagram: / brasilescolaoficial #BrasilEscola #Chemistry #MixingSolutions