Subscribe to the channel here: / @ogdoomusic Find the song on digital platforms: https://bfan.link/dio-nichtes-ston-st... Get the CD → https://bit.ly/MiltosStavrosTouNotou More videos here: • Miltos Pashalidis - Two Nights at the S... Miltos Pashalidis - The Tavern Music - Lyrics: Dimitris Apostolakis © 2023 Ogdoo Music Group ▶ Follow Miltos Pashalidis on Social Media: Facebook: / miltospashalidis Instagram: / miltosofficial Lyrics: It was beautiful, I daresay, In those old days, My tavern, Gialos, sorrow and tsikoudia, Filled with my dream, And every day, evening, the Bardis, dressed in a dougioun, With the lute, With his wine in his body, In his aman, to embroider this world, And Stavros Over in the corner Where for two lips of sour cherry He drinks them slowly He takes water as if he sings Where the lute of Vardis erases the pain I remember every dawn Where I used to say that the sun should not rise In your arms Dream of a boat with sails To wander the sea With your kisses Dream of a boat with sails To wander the sea With your kisses My dizziness is slow, heavy It may have been false Your love I ask passersby in the narrow streets If they saw brown eyes Like yours How can I judge a life And a star at dawn That flickers In the ruined tavern An old dream of mine Is left In the ruined tavern An old dream of mine Is left Credits: Musicians: Elias Doumanis drums Dimitris Moutafis bass Giannis Belonis piano Paris Perisynakis lyra, mandolin, bouzouki Thymios Papadopoulos flute, veno, clarinet, soprano and alto saxophone Miltos Paschalidis acoustic guitar Concert Recording: Sotiris Papadopoulos Concert Sound Engineer - Recording Technician: Paschalis Kolentsis Monitor Sound Engineer - Recording Technician: Dimitris Parlamas Recording Editing - Mastering: Thymios Papadopoulos Direction - Editing: Giorgos Spanos Cameras: Giorgos Spanos - Panos Zenidis ▶ Ogdoo Music Group Facebook: / ogdoomusicgroup Instagram: / ogdoomusicgroup YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ogdoomusic?... #MiltosPashalidis #ToKapilio #OgdooMusicGroup Listen live to ogdoo radio here: https://www.ogdoo.gr/radio