“In the Middle of the City” is a Georgian sitcom series about a group of friends living in one of the districts of Tbilisi. The series was produced by Studio Night Show. The series aired on Imedi TV for six years. Director: Gocha Korkhelauri Author: Studio Night Show, David Gogichaishvili Cast: Otar Tatishvili; Maia Doborjginidze; Goga Barbakadze; Tatuli Edisherashvili; Tamuna Nikoladze; Bacho Kajaia; Mariam Jologua, Jaba Kiladze Producer(s): David Gogichaishvili, Irakli Kakabadze. Screenplay: Giorgi Janelidze, Irakli Vakhtangishvili, Irakli Kalandadze, Guja Macharashvili, Paata Meishvili. © Teleimedi LLC 2011