The Surface Laptop 7 should be considered Microsoft's latest and most serious attempt to compete with Apple's MacBooks; a laptop that has all the factors of a great Windows Ultrabook. From the display to the quality of the body and speakers and keyboard and even the chip! This time, Microsoft has completely abandoned the use of Intel chips and moved towards ARM and the use of Snapdragon X, which is Qualcomm's big answer to Apple Silicon. In this video, join Mehrdad as he takes a close look at the Surface Laptop 7. The Surface Laptop is available at the Micropple store, and you can trust them to buy ???????????? https://micropple.ir/ Use the link below to subscribe ???????????? https://bit.ly/2KQnTv6 Follow the Zoomit website for the latest technology news ????????️ https://www.zoomit.ir/ xMusic from #InAudio: https://inaudio.org/ inaudio - Infraction Music- London Vibe Social networks where you can find us ???????????? / thezoomit https://www.x.com/thezoomit https://www.t.me/thezoomit