Video Link: • MESSAGES OF PEACE RAS - HAROLDO DUTRA ... Subscribe to the Channels: @MensagensdePazRAS @corterapidopodcast540 @EspiritualidadeeVida-Haroldo @HaroldoDutraDias-Odisseia Full video link: • Haroldo Dutra Dias at the 44th Spiritual Week ... MESSAGES OF PEACE RAS - HAROLDO DUTRA DIAS TRANSFORM THE SACRED WORD INTO ACTION HAROLDO DUTRA DIAS - 08/19/2024 Listen to the Living Christ. Talk to Him, speak to Him. Appearance of Jesus to Paul, but there is a more intense, deeper appearance, from the point of view of the general objectives of Christianity. Jesus appears to Paul no longer to call the persecutor to redeem what was being lost in the incarnation. He was compromising the incarnation. Now, we have in Corinth an experienced Apostle, with a sense of responsibility, a sense of commitment, crying because he could not meet all the demands. Paul's letters are the first documents. From now on, Stephen will be closer to You, transmitting my thoughts. From that day on, the movement of letters that came from the sphere of Christ begins. If He met Christ, would He say something or repeat something? He would repeat. All answers are repetitions. It was already answered a long time ago. TRANSFORM WHAT IS WRITTEN INTO LIFE. IT HAS ALREADY BEEN SAID. LOVE BEARS ALL THINGS, BELIEVES ALL THINGS. IF GOD IS FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US? IN THE WORLD YOU WILL HAVE AFFLICTIONS. THERE IS A QUOTE OF ATONEMENT, OF TRIALS, OF STRUGGLES, OF VICISSITUDES... THE INCARNATE SHOUTS, GETS OLD, DISINCARNATES... Do you approach to speak or to listen? Christ is the Guide, but you have to decide if you want to be guided. Christ speaks, and it is you who decides whether to listen or not.