Rearview Mirrors: https://bit.ly/vintagewagenMirrors German style rearview mirrors Empi, WolfsburgWest or VintageWagen: https://bit.ly/retrovisorAlemao Mexican style rearview mirror: https://bit.ly/retrovisorMexicano ------------ Get a discount at @vintagewagenbrasil now! Post a photo with the item you purchased (Instagram or Facebook), tag the profile @vintagewagenbrasil and use the hashtag #EmpiENaVintagewagen and we will contact you (Via Direct or Messenger) with the discount code that can be used on the website www.vintagewagen.com.br! Vintagewagen: Website https://bit.ly/siteVintagewagen Instagram https://bit.ly/instaVintagewagen Facebook https://bit.ly/faceVintagewagen WhatsApp (11) 95299-0000 https://api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=... ---------------- Participate in the 3rd meeting of Quintal do Tonella! ????May 28th ⏰From 9 am to 3 pm ????Location: Inside the Construction and Decoration Mall of Alphaville Estrada Municipal Bela Vista Nº 917, Santana de Parnaíba - SP Discover our workshop! ✔All cars are welcome ✔Free entry ✔No registration required ✔Presence of channel partners and cars ✔Barbecue and food court at the Mall ✔The Construction and Decoration Mall will be open regularly ✔Presence of the Square One Band livening up the entire event! ????????Collaborate with the event by bringing 1kg of dog or cat food! All donations will be distributed to NGOs in the Santana de Parnaíba region. www.quintaldotonella.com #Tonella #QuintalDoTonella #Fusca #Vintagewagen #VintagewagenBrasil #OldCars #Ignition #Engine #Engines #Carburetor #Carburetors #Carbureted #Injection #Injection #Injected #ElectronicInjection #ElectronicInjection #FuelTech #Sensor #Sensors #MteThomson #Wire #InjectionWire #AirCooled #BeetleEngine #Beetle #BeetleBrasil #LittleBeetle #VwBeetle #Gurgel #GurgelX12 #X12 #NationalCar #Kombi #RearviewMirror #Wolfsburgwest #empi