Meditation - Peace in the Heart - Dr. Aleksander Šinigoj - Mastermind Academy In turbulent everyday life, there is an art to staying calm. This recording is intended to relax, calm down and achieve inner peace. In the recording Peace in the Heart you will hear Aleksandar's pleasant relaxing voice with meditative music in the background. While listening to this hypnotic recording by Dr. Aleksandar Šinigoj, you will relax and calm down with your eyes closed. In this very receptive relaxed state, you will receive numerous direct and post-hypnotic suggestions into your unconscious mind that will help you to always and everywhere feel peace in your heart. Listen to the recording for at least 21 days in a row and every evening before going to bed and/or in the morning upon waking up and/or anytime when you can completely relax and calm down. For the recording to work better, use headphones. During the recording, you will be able to hear some sounds from the left side and some from the right. Sometimes the voices will overlap. Everything is made with the intention of relaxing, calming down, increasing good feelings and feeling peace in your heart. At the end of the recording, Aleksander will suggest to you to open your eyes and return to the so-called waking state. For additional information about other audio programs and to register for Mastermind Academy workshops, visit the website www.mastermindakademija.com or write to [email protected]. When registering for the workshops, write in the notes that you listened to this recording and what you thought of it. Disclaimer: *Consult your doctor before use. Do not listen to the recording while driving or performing any activities that require your full attention. All recordings, including this one, are copyrighted. Duplication and unauthorized public broadcasting are not permitted without the written permission of the author. Original recordings work with the greatest energy and persuasiveness. The author and publisher do not prescribe any material, technique or concept presented in this program as a form of treatment for any disease or medical condition, nor is it the author's or publisher's intention to diagnose or prescribe. Nor do the author and publisher provide legal, financial or other advice. The purpose is to provide information related to health, finances, relationships that will assist you in working with any doctor, financial or other specialized advisor, recognizing that there are many different views and opinions in the fields of health, healthcare, nutrition, exercise, finance, investments, relationships. Before starting any practice related to health, nutrition or exercise, it is highly recommended that you first obtain the consent and advice of a licensed physician. If you decide to use the information contained in the program without first consulting a doctor, you are prescribing to yourself, which is your right. The author and publisher do not assume any responsibility for the decisions you make after using this program and your consultation with a selected expert in the field of health, law, finance, etc. Author: dr. Aleksander Šinigoj A Pure Embrace by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. https://www.christopherlloydclarke.com. Licensed by Enlightened Audio.