MAY ALLAH BE FAVORABLE TO THE TURKS I endured every torment, I jumped and crossed mountains, I encountered a wolf, He said good luck, May Allah be good to the Turks. The roads became good to me, Tongues told me, Long live the hands of Turan, May his enemies be damned, May Allah be good to the Turks. I fought with wolves, I traveled the Altays, I connected with my homeland, He said good luck, May Allah be good to the Turks. As I traveled, Turan, I remembered Oghuz Kaghan, I saw Fatih Sultan, He said good luck, May Allah be good to the Turks. The roads became good to me, Tongues told me, Long live the hands of Turan, May his enemies be damned, May Allah be good to the Turks. Inspired by the TV series role of Şemistan ALIZAMANLI...