Help translate this video into your native language or another language by clicking on the link below. Capoeira thanks you!!! http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_vide... Interview conducted with Mestre Cláudio, on the occasion of the 1st Capoeira Meeting OS ANGOLEIROS DO SERTÃO in the city of São José dos Campos SP, at the Folklore Museum. This video is an integral part of the research for the Museu Vivo Project, of the Folklore Museum of São José dos Campos - / museudofolclore under the management of the Center for Studies of Popular Culture (CECP) http://www.cecpdesaojose.blogspot.com... in partnership with the Cassiano Ricardo Cultural Foundation (FCCR) http://www.fccr.org.br/ The interviews, capture and editing of images were conducted by researcher Francisco José Lacaz Ruiz (Chico Abelha) / chicoabelha