Felting a beret from wool. Even if it's the first time you hear about felting from wool, you will definitely succeed!!! Cool handbags by Olga Chekmeneva VK Ol Chek Felting https://vk.com/ol_chek_felting Telegram Ol Chek Felting https://t.me/ol_chek_felting @ol_chek_felting / ol_chek_felting You can learn how to make such handbags in VK Ol Chek Felting https://vk.com/ol_chek_felting Telegram Ol Chek Felting https://t.me/ol_chek_felting @ol_chek_school / ol_chek_school With love, Ol Chek School ???????????? #felting training #felting #woolfelting #masterclass #beretmasterclass #beretwithyourhands #felt #onlinetraining #houses #creativepeople #mogusama #feltingforbeginners #handbagwithhouses #freemasterclass #creativitywithoutbounds #doityourself #woolwatercolor #withyourhands #handmade #myself #feltedbag #toolsforfelting #woolforfelting