The film ZANNA: Whisper of Volcano Isle tells the story of a girl named Zanna who is separated from her family. One day, she accidentally enters a world full of magic. Together with two beautiful fairies, Dinda and Novi, Zanna dares to explore various new and challenging things, including fighting against attacks by evil enemy troops. Watch the holiday film 'Zanna: Whisper of Volcano Isle' with the whole family starting JANUARY 2, 2025 in theaters! 🎉 =========================== Mas Biru's Sweetest Birthday Wishes for Amira SHUCKLED BY LONGING EPS. 101 (2/3) SHUCKLED BY LONGING EPS. 101: PART 1: • Mas Biru's Slightly Careless Wearing Am... PART 2: • Mas Biru's Sweetest Birthday Wishes ... PART 3: • Arkana & Amira's Strong Bond Makes Noah... ============================ Let's watch the full episodes of all RCTI programs, click http://bit.ly/RCTIplus Subscribe to our channel: Youtube RCTI Layar Drama Indonesia http://bit.ly/LayarDramaIndonesia ============================== If you experience technical problems with RCTI broadcasts, please click the link below: https://bit.ly/layanansolusidigital Subscribe to our channel: Youtube RCTI Layar Drama Indonesia http://bit.ly/LayarDramaIndonesia #TerbelengguRinduRCTI #SinetronRCTI #GlencaChysara #QueenLubis #LydiaKandou #VokeVictoria #BenJoshua #LuckyPerdana #AngelKaramoy #BianconeriAzhari