In the Galilean city of Nazareth, during the time of Emperor Augustus and King Herod of Judea, there lived a simple girl named Mary. She was beautiful and kind, so a carpenter named Joseph mustered up the courage to ask her parents to give her to him as his wife. The film's story captures Mary at all the moments as handed down to us by the evangelists: at the moment of the angel's annunciation, during the visit to Elizabeth, in the manger in Bethlehem, in the Jerusalem temple with Simeon, on the flight to Egypt, while searching for the little Jesus in the temple, at the wedding in Cana, by the side of her son during the last days of his life, and also with the apostle John, who takes her to his home. The film is also enriched with scenes from the time of the apostles' journey with their Master. He was accompanied not only by men, but also by women, as mentioned in the Gospels. The authors of the film place Mary among them and have her talk with the women. The entire film is based on the Bible, and is therefore suitable for basic knowledge of the life of Jesus and Mary. Family film, Czech dubbing, 115 minutes, 199 CZK.