Lourdes Belchior holds a Master's degree from the PPGH at Salgado de Oliveira University and specializes in Brazilian History and Sociology. She is a historian and has worked in the field of education for over two decades. During her career, Lourdes played a very important role in the role of public history. She was the Municipal Secretary for the Elderly and Human Development and Coordinator of the Women's Assistance Reference Center in Araruama, Rio de Janeiro state. We are pleased to welcome Professor Lourdes to talk about Leopoldina and her work released in 2021: “Leopoldina and the Newspapers: the Empress and the Brazilian Press from 1817 to 1826”. _______ My online courses: History of women in Brazil: https://marydelpriore.net/mulheres/ Feminine perspectives on Brazilian independence https://marydelpriore.net/independencia/ _____ HOST: Mary del Priore - Facebook @marydelpriore.ofc Instagram @marydelpriore.ofc GUEST: Lourdes Belchior - Instagram @lourdes.belchior DIRECTION: Agência PenseD - Facebook @agenciapense.d Instagram @agenciapense.d