Hello! This is Yoonju Bujeon :) I finally completed the 🍼Mommazone that I kept putting off because I'm about to give birth! From washing and sterilizing bottles, I've also finished washing the sterilizer and formula pot ✨ If you need detailed explanation, please check the blog for help ❤︎ 🔽 Visit the Mamazone blog (https://m.blog.naver.com/kimjy3243/22...) Thank you 🤍 #Mamazone #BottleSterilization #PixelUVSterilizer #PolredPixel #PolredPixelBottleSterilizer #BottleSterilizer #BottleSterilizerRecommendation #PixelSterilizer #MilkPot #RaviKitMilkPot #RaviKit #BottleWashing #MoyumBabyBottle #GlassBottle #GlassBottleSterilization #BottleSterilization #BoilingWaterSterilization #BottleSterilizationInBoilingWater #MilkPotRecommendation #Rethenchlor #BottleStorage #PreparingForBirth #ChildcareItems #PreparingForMamazone #MakingMamazone #DecoratingMamazone #PregnantWoman #PregnantWomanVlog #Vlog #PregnantWomanDailyLife #parentingpreparation #vlog