Welcome! I, Danny from www.hobbykaas.nl think that we are incredibly far removed from our own food. I can and want to teach you everything about cheese making, from the basic steps to becoming a real cheese master in your own kitchen. It is easier and more fun than you think! This is my first vlog and not yet completely professional! We were allowed to record at the local bakery and there was still hard work. Basic / try-out set for making cheese yourself: https://www.hobbykaas.nl/kaasmaak-set... Digital thermometer with pan clamp: https://www.hobbykaas.nl/hobby-kaas-t... Curd cutter: https://www.hobbykaas.nl/wrongelsnijd... 5 liter measuring cup: https://www.hobbykaas.nl/maatbeker-5-... Cheese press: https://www.hobbykaas.nl/kaaspersen/ Starter cultures / acid: https://www.hobbykaas.nl/startculturen/ Complete cheese making set: https://www.hobbykaas.nl/kaasmaak-set... Brine bath with Baumé brine weigher: https://www.hobbykaas.nl/alle-kaasmaa... Thanks for watching and have fun making cheese!