???????? Follow me on Instagram @alinepavaoviscuit . . All the materials used can be found at the partner store Faby Rodrigues. Visit the website: www.fabyrodrigues.com.br . . Watch the videos of the other partners too!! . . . Faby Rodrigues - / @fabyrodrigues Aline Pavão - / aline pavão Ana Burdak - / anaburdak Biscuit Crafts Jane Christovam - / @janechristovam Flavia Martins - / @flaviamartinsatelie Liliane Arts - / @lilianeartes8870 Marcia Mendes - / @marciamendes4024 Gerla's Studio / @ateliedagerla9509 Sarajoara Gugel / @sarajoaragugel Dflores Biscuit Studio Daiana Flores / @ateliedfloresbiscuit6880 Elizangela Biscuit Art / @elizangelaleticiarodrigues3921 Primor Biscuit - Priscila Mendes / @primorbiscuit-priscilamend8165