Required materials OPAPEL Canário da Terra - (ref.: 2385) OPA Stencils Creating Art: 1) Arabesque Flower Lace - (ref.: 1929) 2) Branches with Leaves - (ref.: 1353) 3) Musical Notes - (ref. : 230) Milk can - Acrylic or PVA paint in the colors: White and Concrete Découpage Glue Primer for Pet Metals and Glass Silicone Glue General Varnish and Turpentine Synthetic Brush 224-20 Pituá 462-4 Flat Bristle Brush 456-22 Brush Liner 422-00 Sandpaper Celluloid spatula String of pearls Step by step: 1) Sand the can and the lid. Then wash and clean with alcohol. 2) Apply 2 layers of Primer to the can and lid, waiting for 2 hours to dry between one layer and the next. 3) Paint the can White and the lid with the White + Concrete mixture. 4) Decorate the lid with the Branches and Leaves Stencil in the color Concrete. 5) Distribute the Découpage Glue with the bristle brush, position the OPAPEL and, gently, smooth the surface with the help of plastic and cloth. Remove excess paper with sandpaper and, if necessary, sand the edges of the paper. 6) Position the Lace Stencil on the top of the can and blend with Concrete. With the Liner brush, accentuate the White and complement the lace. 7) Stamp the Musical Stencil with Concrete. 8) Apply Découpage Glue mixed with water over the entire work. Once dry, varnish with General Varnish diluted with Turpentine. 9) Glue the string of pearls with silicone glue, finishing the work.