Shows: (48) 98807-7547 Our first professional audiovisual, what did you think? Follow us on social media (@sambasdemacumba), like us and listen to us on your favorite streaming platform. Axé! Songs and composers: 01 - MY SAMBA IS FROM MACUMBA Author: Eduardo dos Santos Silva 02 - MARIA NAVALHA Author: Eduardo dos Santos Silva 03 - DAWN Author: Simone da Eulina 05 - MALEME / STRENGTH OF OYA Author of Maleme: Public Domain Author of Strength of Oya: Samuel Filho 06 - SAINT GEORGE Author: Kiko Dinucci 07 - PRAYER Author: Nego Álvaro / Pretinho da Serrinha / Vinicius Feijão 08 - OXÓSSI / CABOCLO SEVEN ARROWS IN THE CONGA Author of the song Oxóssi: Roque Ferreira Author of the song Caboclo Seven Arrows in the Congá: Unknown 09 - IT'S D'OXUM / I SAW MOTHER OXUM AT THE WATERFALL Authors of It's D'Oxum: Gerônimo / Veve Calasans Authors of I saw mother Oxum at the waterfall: Unknown 10 - LORD OF THE STRAWS Author: Márcio Barravento 11 - NANÃ'S POINT Author: Roque Ferreira 12 - I WENT TO ASK THE HOLY SOULS / BAHIA OR AFRICA Author: Unknown 13 - SONGS OF COSME AND DAMIÃO Author: Unknown 14 - WHAT GANG IS THIS? / GYPSY PUERÊ / SAILOR ALONE Author of "What a gang is this" and "Gypsy Puerê": Unknown Author of "Sailor alone": Clementina de Jesus 15 - SONGS OF THE COWBOY Author: Public Domain 16 - SONGS OF THE STREET PEOPLE Author: Public Domain 17 - MARIA MULAMBO, FROM LUXURY TO TRASH Author: Thiago D'Silva SONG OF THE THREE RACES Author: Mauro Duarte / Paulo César Pinheiro 18 - EMORIÔ Author: Gilberto Gil / João Donato 19 - THE CRY OF XANGO / SHE IS OYÁ Author of "The Cry of Xangô" - Ivo Carvalho Author of "She is Oyá" - Sandro Luiz 0:00 - My Samba is from Macumba (Du Kadência) 3:58 - Maria Navalha (Du Kadência) 8:03 - Dawn (Simone da Eulina) 12:12 - Afoxé of Oxalá 15:16 - Maleme/Strength of Oyá 18:59 - Saint George 23:15 - Prayer 28:08 - [OATH] Oxóssi/Caboclo Seven Arrows in the Congá 33:07 - It's from Oxum/I saw mother Oxum in the waterfall 37:49 - Lord of the Straws 41:01 - Point of Nana 45:44 - I went to ask the Holy Souls/Bahia, oh Africa/I loved the Souls 49:50 - Songs of Cosmas and Damian 55:05 - Songs of Gypsies 58:22 - Lonely Sailor 1:00:35 - Songs of Cowboys 1:48:29 - Songs of the Street People 1:17:45 - From luxury to trash 1:20:48 - Song of the three races 1:24:18 - Emoriô 1:27:48 - Cry of Xangô/She is Oyá 1:32:36 - Credits