The provincial of the Polish Dominicans saw conspiracies all around, he had his people in the monasteries who reported to him about the moods. Despite great ambitions, and he wanted to be a general of the order or at least a bishop, he ended up as an ordinary priest. After his departure, instead of a legend, Pandora's box opened. The book is available at the link: https://www.empik.com/skandalisci-ws... ???? Support us at: https://patronite.pl/sekielski ???? Direct payments: PL 16 1950 0001 2006 0339 0016 0002 - Kombinat Medialny Sp. z o. o., transfer title: Donation for a documentary film, Pekao SA SWIFT code: PKOPPLPW ???? in Euro - PL91 1950 0001 2033 9004 5000 0003, Pekao SA SWIFT code: PKOPPLPW ????https://Paypal.me/sekielscy