⭐️Na Relo English Song Cover Channel / @narelo2 Na Relo is releasing new videos every Tuesday at 10pm???? Currently, there are two channels, one for Western music and one for Japanese music! Please subscribe to the channel???????? ♦︎Na Relo goods are on salehttps://narelo.theshop.jp/ ♦︎Instagram / na_relo4 ♦︎Facebook / narelo4 ♦︎Twitter https://twitter.com/na_relo?s=11 ♦︎For business inquiries, please contact [email protected] ????Na Relo 209th Challenge! ????Na Relo's challenge this time is Masatoshi Nakamura's "Koibito mo Nureru Machikado" This is a number released in 1982 Masatoshi Nakamura! It's my first attempt~♪ In fact, this song was performed at the Red Brick Warehouse in June this year as a "song associated with Kanagawa and Yokohama"???????????? "Why this song associated with Yokohama? At first I thought, "I'm in Yokohama now" and "I'm waiting around Bashamichi" are the names of places in the lyrics ???? I didn't know that^^; But it's well known that this song was written by Kuwata of Southern All Stars???? Just from the title, you can already see the Kuwata style bursting out lol Since his debut as a guest on the TV drama "Taiyo ni Hoero!", Masatoshi Nakamura has appeared in many youth dramas and movies, so I think he has a strong "refreshing" image, but I imagine it must have been a shock when he sang this challenge song. Masatoshi Nakamura has had many hit songs such as "Fureai", "Oretachi no Tabi", and "Kokoro no Iro", and this year marks his 50th anniversary in the entertainment industry. I was surprised to find out that he was from Miyagi Prefecture, and I was in the middle of a tour in Sendai alone lol It's a slightly more mature challenge song✨ I hope you enjoy the narro version too~♪???? Member Vo. Junko Fujimoto (Bettie) Junko Fujimoto Vo. Rayna Gt. Taisuke Maki (Ricky) Per. Kenta Adachi LIKES,SHARES,SUBSCRIBES ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!! Hit that BELL ???? for us too and be updated♪;) We are uploading new video clips every Tuesday on either this channel, or on our English Song Cover channel! ???? / @narelo2 ????na Relo's 209th challenge!???? Koibito-mo Nureru Machikado by Masatoshi Nakamura Released 1982 Written by Keisuke Kuwata from Southern All Stars Thanks for watching and listening♪ See you again next week???????? #MasatoshiNakamura#KoibitomoNureruMachikado#SouthernAllStars#KeisukeKuwata#MasatoshiNakamura#KoibitomoNureruMachikado#KeisukeKuwata#SAS#80s #Cover#Betty#Rayna#Ricky#Kenta Adachi