Hello, motorcycle country! Goose with you! For all questions, there is WhatsApp +7918-058-45-55 In this video, I continue to build a small-capacity tour enduro from an ordinary, but quite well-equipped, Chinese enduro bike! The idea is not new, brought to life, with varying degrees of success, by many and at the same time has not lost its relevance to this day. Since the scattering of so-called light, Chinese, small-capacity tour enduro bikes from different manufacturers that have appeared recently are, in fact, just road bikes with a tour enduro body kit. Not adapted to real off-road testing. That is why the idea of taking an enduro bike with a rigid frame, long-travel adjustable suspension and, although not the most powerful, but unpretentious and reliable engine that is easy to tune, looks very tempting. And I decided to bring this idea to life! Let's see together what comes of it! Enjoy watching!