Lucky Craft tester Yasuhito Imai and Timco staff Sho Tazaki went to the winter Hakosuti fishing spot in Ueno Village, Gunma Prefecture. They aimed for Hakosuti, known as fighters, with a Deep Crappie Timco color C&R model. [Tackle used by Yasuhito Imai] Rod: LUCKY CRAFT&JUSTACE KILLYKU FLARE 6.3ML (prototype) Reel: 22 Stella C2500S-K Line: Fishing Fighters AIR BRAID PE #0.15 (5.5LB Avg) Leader: HITENA SUPERNIX UT (nylon) 5LB, 15% elongation [Tackle used by Sho Tazaki] Rod: Pass Prover Prototype Model 51SL-2 Reel: 2000 class line PE 0.6 Leader: Fluoro 6lb [Deep Crappie Tiemco Color C&R Model] https://www.tiemco.co.jp/Form/Product... For products, fishing results blogs, etc., please visit the Tiemco official website http://www.tiemco.co.jp/trout/ Tiemco Trout Lure Fishing X / tiemco_trout Tiemco Trout Lure Fishing Instagram / tiemcotroutfishing Tiemco Trout Lure Fishing Facebook Page / tiemcotrout #trout lure #trout fishing #mountain stream lure #fishing #yamame #yamame #char #troutlure #rainbow trout #pathprover #trout rod #mountain stream trout rod #troutrod #fishing #tiemco #tiemcotrout #Timco #Timco Trout #Uenomura #Hakosti #Lucky Craft #luckycraft #deep crappie