The first episode focuses on the celebration and optimism of a post-World War II world. A young Princess Elizabeth is in Kenya when she receives the news of her father's death. Despite this loss, there is a sense of renewal and celebration, as many of her loyal supporters in the British monarchy see her coronation as a new beginning. In many places around the world, the wounds of two world wars and the complete re-drawing of the map of many countries run deep. The royal family navigates a changing world in the 1950s and 1960s. Toute L'Histoire takes you on the bustling march of History. Relive the major events that have shaken our History. Investigations, testimonies, stories; Toute L'Histoire looks back on these periods of conflict and deciphers the developments and trends in our society. ► Subscribe to Toute l'Histoire: https://bit.ly/2L6wO6G