Books by Jan Val Ellan: Jesus and the Riddle of the Transfiguration ????????https://amzn.to/3AyGsxz The Cosmic Drama of Yahweh ????????https://amzn.to/3T2bx3d The Earthly Drama of Yahweh ???????? https://amzn.to/3YYiAh8 OTHER BOOKS BY THE AUTHOR ???????? https://amzn.to/46YrblP ????BOOKS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE: Ask and it will be given ???????? https://amzn.to/3T0Lf1p The Power of Now ????????https://amzn.to/3yQeVax The Courage to Be Imperfect ????????https://amzn.to/3yQeVax