Dr. Tobias von Wild will show you how we remove your bags under your eyes so that you can keep your eyes beautiful. If you have problems with bags under your eyes, you are welcome to seek personal advice from us. Dr. Tobias von Wild will diagnose your problem and can then permanently remove the bags under your eyes. Click here to go directly to the practice: https://dr-von-wild.de Removing bags under your eyes is also known as lower eyelid surgery. In order to carry out this aesthetic plastic surgery procedure below the eyes, it is first necessary to distinguish what type of bags under your eyes are involved. On the one hand, a small fat body under the skin can bulge forwards, although the skin is still tight. This makes the eyes look puffy and dark shadows form. This excess fatty tissue can be surgically removed from the inside of the lower eyelid under local anesthesia. The eye can then heal without an external scar. On the other hand, a combination of protruding fat body and sagging or excess skin can occur. This is the most common form of bags under the eyes. The excess skin must be removed. A fine incision is made in the lower eyelash area under local anesthesia. The fat body is also located and removed, and the skin is then very finely sutured. Another common problem with the lower eyelid is skin that has sagged over time. This not only affects the eye's function when the eye is closed, but the aesthetics of the eye can also suffer, as more of the "white of the eye" is permanently visible. If there is a lack of tension in the lower eyelid, additional fixation can be created by making a small suture on the side of the eye. This means that the lower eyelid will no longer sag permanently. A careful diagnosis and surgical technique is required for any procedure. This is how we can help you keep beautiful eyes. Do you have problems with bags under your eyes and want to change that? You can find all information about lower eyelid tightening at https://dr-von-wild.de/Unterlidstraff... You can also find us on Facebook: / dr-von-wild-1746190625683008 And on Instagram: / dr.vonwild