It's been more than three months since we started our experiment with three watermelons. One of them grew in the ground, the second in water, and the third's roots were hanging in the air most of the time. And now it's time to show you what came of it, what difficulties awaited us. and which method of growing is still the best. We're on Telegram! - https://t.me/ICE_DAYS_TG We're on VKontakte -- https://vk.com/icedayss We're on Instagram -- / _ice_days_ We're on Yandex Zen -- https://zen.yandex.ru/id/6234aa181628... Music from the video: / hotmelody Music from Tunetank.com AHOAMI - Riverbank (Copyright Free Music) Download free: https://tunetank.com/t/1pdi/4272-rive...