How to Love Yourself and Yourself. We often ignore that loving ourselves and loving ourselves literally means taking care of ourselves. Let's see in this live how to do it. What does it mean to love yourself and take care of yourself? First of all, knowing your internal world. Inside us there are many different parts. To love yourself you have to know how to love each of your parts. The three main personalities are Parent, Adult and Child. Each of us deals with our own inner child, with our adult part and with the parent. Loving yourself concretely means taking care of yourself means first of all knowing and recognizing these parts. Seeing and recognizing when our child, our adult and our parent comes out is the first concrete step to loving yourself. It is not enough to say that we love ourselves and that we want to take care of ourselves, we must learn how to love ourselves. In this live we see the basis of our internal world, this awareness is a real guide on the path to self-love. Loving yourself, loving yourself is a journey of self-awareness, a journey that lasts a lifetime and starts from becoming aware of yourself, of the complexity of your internal world. In the live broadcast, Antonio Quaglietta, relational psychologist, shows how psychology accompanies us on this journey of awareness that has as its sole purpose self-love. Learning to love yourself is the first fundamental step towards deep and lasting well-being.