This is a quiet, calm, colorful and original house on the Arnavutköy coast, at the most popular point of the neighborhood. A wooden, detached building was divided into apartments over time, and this house covers two floors of the structure. Banu's style is unique, it is a style that does not try to resemble anything or anyone, it is a style that does not force, it flows freely. What impressed us the most in this house was seeing a hand-woven suzani cover, a painting framing the art of marbling, and pieces bearing cultural traces right next to extremely modern furniture and accessories. There are items from modern brands such as hay design, anthropologie, collection, and traditional pieces everywhere in the house. This house, which is 1 minute away from the Bosphorus, is Banu's house, which has its own brand and reflects this style to that brand. In fact, what we find most valuable in showing our viewers in daire is that our houses reflect our lives and lifestyles, and are a whole with us. That's why we think you will watch this episode with great pleasure like we do. Enjoy! We would like to thank our sponsors for their contributions to the section: You can view Jotun's Nuances collection from this link: https://www.jotun.com/tr-tr/decorativ... To follow Yüzdeyüz; / yuzdeyuzonline https://x.com/yuzdeyuzonline