Transformed by the 4 dimensions of God's love Special seminar at ICC Paris Pst Mohammed SANOGO 04/12/2022 ️ Find all our sermons here: https://bit.ly/3cr8QFZ =============================== Our worship programs (in person and live): The RDV des Champions: every Wednesday from 7 p.m. GMT The Saturday of Miracles: every Saturday from 6:30 p.m. GMT Our Contemplation and Adoration Services: every Sunday at 7 a.m. 10 a.m. 1 p.m. GMT (Multilingual worship: English / Dioula, Baoulé, Ébrié) 1. You haven't accepted JESUS yet? Do it now! Send YES on whatsapp +225 07 08 10 00 00 or scan the QR code or click on this link https://ouiajesus.vasesdhonneur.org/ 2. Is this your first time logging in? Send NEW on whatsApp +225 07 08 10 00 00 or scan the QR code 3. You can help support this work by bringing your tithe, offerings or seeds via the following link: https://vasesdhonneur.org/#block-dime 4. God has done a miracle for you and you want to share your testimony with the body of Christ? Write to us at the following address: [email protected] 5. Did you know? Pastor Mohammed Sanogo is on his 31st book. Get one of these books today: By contacting the bookstore of honor: / librairiedho. . Or via Amazon: https://amzn.to/3odJpdF 6. Grow your intimacy with God daily by downloading the MyDevo app on Google Play: https://bit.ly/3IVRIo4 7. You are a Winner, your week must begin with a word of victory. So subscribe to the PVS (Word of Victory of the Week) via the following link: https://bit.ly/3zh2C4z 8. To allow you to always be edified, our content is available on social networks such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok. Do not hesitate to like, comment, share and subscribe. Youtube: / mohammedsanogo Facebook: / pasteurmoham. . / vasesdhonneur Instagram / mohammedsan. . / vases_dhonn. . Twitter: / mohammedsanogo =============================== God bless you!