????The quiz to find out your freelance profile and receive your personalized action plan ???? https://free.createursnomades.com/qui... You may have already dreamed of starting an illustration business, but... you were never taken seriously, or you doubted your ability to make a living from your creations. So, to answer this question, we have scheduled an interview with Aurore Bay who travels all over the world while developing her business as an illustrator. Aurore Bay will share with you how she started in illustration, her moments of doubt, how she developed a community of more than 40,000 subscribers on Instagram, attracted brands like Adobe... and above all, she will share with you her secret to making a good living from illustration. #digitalnomade #illustrator ???? Find Aurore on: Instagram: / aurore.bay YouTube: @AuroreBayfr https://aurorebay.podia.com/ ???? A big thank you to Sarah Leclercq for the video editing -- OUR FREE GUIDES: ???? Download the GUIDE TO START and boost your FREELANCE creator activity: http://bit.ly/createurguide ⛰What is your freelance profile (and your action plan): https://free.createursnomades.com/qui... ???? OUR VIDEO AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT Everything you need to know about our photo and video equipment is here ???? https://www.voyage-en-roue-libre.com/... ????THE PODCAST is available on: Itunes: https://apple.co/2RWoh9j Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/fr/show/357982 Google Podcast: http://bit.ly/Creanomad-gp Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2TOkMTR ???? JOIN US! ▶︎ The blog: https://www.voyage-en-roue-libre.com ▶︎ Instagram: / clemetmumu ▶︎ Our training courses: https://www.createursnomades.com __ ▶︎ CREATION SOFTWARE (VIDEO/PHOTO/ILLUSTRATION...) https://prf.hn/l/yOmV50A ????SPONSORSHIPS AND DISCOUNTS: ▶︎ Protect your data online with NordVPN: https://nordvpn.org/voyage ▶︎ AirBnB Promo code: https://bit.ly/2r93zci __ ????LES PETITS AVENTURIERS: ▶︎ https://lespetitsaventuriers.com ▶︎ / lespetitsaventuriers The links in descriptions may be affiliated. This means that we receive a small commission if you purchase a product, at no extra cost to you.