A few dozen Lithuanians are bravely fighting at the front of the hellish war in Ukraine. One of them is deminer Rimas Armaitis, who spent more than two years at the front. According to him, it is necessary for Lithuania to strengthen border security, because we do not have a large territory where our soldiers could retreat, and a professionally prepared defensive line is practically impregnable. In the news portal tv3.lt show "33 min. with Artūrs Anužius", the eldest of the Lithuanians fighting in Ukraine Rimas Armaitis, nicknamed "Diedas", spent more than two years at the front. Returning to Lithuania, the man from Vilnius demined thousands of Russian mines in Ukraine, but he does not hide his surprise that he survived. --- You can find more of our television videos: https://play.tv3.lt Read video reports and news: https://www.tv3.lt Follow us on Facebook: / tv3televizija Follow us on Instagram: / tv3_lt